Goat Milk Soap Cinnanmon Bar


Goat Milk Soap Cinnanmon Bar



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Our goat milk soap is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a gentle and natural way to take care of their skin. Rich in alpha-hydroxy acids like lactic acid, it helps to gently remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling smooth and soft. Our soap also contains no harmful chemicals, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin or those dealing with common skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Experience the nourishing benefits of our goat’s milk soap today!

Coconut Oil Benefits:
Coconut oil is a powerful moisturizer that is beneficial to restoring dry or flaking skin. Coconut oil helps to strengthen skin tissue more deeply and eliminate dead skin cells while absorbing quickly into your skin. Coconut oil contains Vitamin E, essential amino acids which form part of the barrier function of your skin and help maintain your skin’s natural.

Why Shazfas Goat Milk Soap Good for skin ?

Goat’s milk soaps are free from harmful chemical and a very mild soap bar safe to use for all skin conditions. contains alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid which help remove dead skin cells from your skin’s surface. Shazfas Goat milk soap has several beneficial characteristics that can help keep your skin looking and feeling great. Most commercially made soaps contain harsh surfactants that can strip your skin of natural moisture and oils, leaving it feeling dry and tight. Goat milk soap boasts high amounts of fats, particularly caprylic acid, allowing for gentle removal of dirt and debris without removing the skin’s natural fatty acids.

Goat milk is rich in fatty acids and cholesterol, which make up a large portion of the skin membrane. A lack of these components in your skin can lead to dryness and irritation . goat milk is a good source of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin shown to have anti-aging properties it’s a good source of selenium, a mineral shown to support a healthy skin membrane.

Natural exfoliant -Goat milk soap contains compounds that may exfoliate your skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are used to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as scars, age spots, and hyperpigmentation, due to their natural ability to exfoliate . Lactic acid, a naturally occurring AHA found in goat milk soap, has been shown to gently remove the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing for a more youthful complexion.

Supports a healthy skin microbiome -Goat milk soap may support a healthy skin microbiome — the collection of healthy bacteria on your skin’s surface . Due to its gentle dirt-removing properties, it doesn’t strip your skin’s natural lipids or healthy bacteria. Maintaining your skin’s microbiome improves its barrier against pathogens, potentially preventing various skin disorders like acne and eczema .

May prevent acne-Due to its lactic acid content, goat milk soap may help control or prevent acne. Lactic acid is a natural exfoliant that gently removes dead skin cells.


Tips for Handmade Natural Soap :

Store soaps in cool dry locations that allows air circulation. Non ventilated storage may result in rancid soap bar. Keep your stored soaps out of direct sun light as natural ingredients colors may fade. Use the soap dish that offers drainage, so the soap can dry between uses. If soap is not lathering well


Available in 125g 

Ingredients Made with Creamy Goat Milk, Shea butter, Mango Butter, kokum Butter, Coconut oil & Lye

Grade 1 TFM 78% Above

Contains no added Animal Fat, No Artificial Color.


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